My Journey with Sleep Apnea Treatment
Since graduating Dental School in 2005, I have always had an interest in sleep, the science behind sleep, and how sleep relates to our overall health. I began taking extra education courses on Sleep Apnea and its treatments in 2010. Over the years, I have noticed more and more of my dental patients with signs of Sleep Apnea (tongue size/shape/position, palate shape, associated health conditions, etc). I tell these patients my observations and discuss their sleepiness. 9 out of 10 times they report several Sleep Apnea symptoms. I then urge them to speak with their physician, get tested for sleep apnea, and get proper treatment if needed. Countless patients have returned thanking me because they feel so much better with Sleep Apnea treatment, they have lost weight, are off multiple medications, and because they realize that they will actually live a longer life because of proper oxygen while sleeping.
Over the years, there is one major drawback that I have seen with Sleep Apnea patients. A majority of these people cannot tolerate the CPAP machine because of the mask, tubes, or noise. So these patients simply do not get treated at all. They suffer the day-to-day symptoms of not getting proper sleep or oxygen to the brain and body, as well as the long term detriment to their overall health.
I have seen a major need for an alternative Sleep Apnea treatment over the years. However, I have never been able to pursue offering treatments for sleep apnea because of my full dental patient schedule. With our newly expanded office and addition of an amazing associate dentist, I now have the needed time to dedicate one full day a week to Dental Sleep Medicine. I look forward to helping patients achieve great sleep so they can have a more fulfilled daily life, as well as a longer, healthier life.
Dr. Karen Hughes, DMD
Training and Credentials

Dr. Karen Hughes, DMD has completed the Residency program in Dental Sleep Medicine from the University of Michigan. This is a 9 month program (after dental school) of both online and in-person courses, clinical competencies, interpreting research articles, and examinations. The completion of this course has given Dr. Hughes the “Qualified Dentist” Certification to treat Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliances. This certification allows Hughes Family Dental to file medical insurance and Medicare claims for medical devices. Additionally, Dr. Hughes will sit for the Board Exam to become a Diplomate, ABDSM in June 2025.
Dr. Karen Hughes is a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, and the American Sleep and Breathing Academy.

Sleep is an essential part of life-but more important, sleep is a gift.
–William C. Dement